onsdag 29 mars 2017

Fjorton skolskjutningar i sju länder

Jag har tillsammans med Charlotta Thodelius, fil. lic. i arkitektur vid Chalmers, skrivit en artikel om fjorton fall av skolskjutningar i sju olika länder. Merparten av materialet ingick ursprungligen i Charlottas masteruppsats i kriminologi.

Artikeln kan läsas i fulltext via länken: http://hdl.handle.net/2077/52078

Lindgren, Sven-Åke & Charlotta Thodelius (2017), School Shootings in Seven Countries: Testing and Developing the Theory of Five Necessary Conditions, i Andersson, Björn, Frida Petersson & Anette Skårner (red.) Den motspänstiga akademikern. Festskrift till Ingrid Sahlin, s. 351 – 381. Malmö: Égalité (Title in English: The Recalcitrant Academician. Festschrift to Ingrid Sahlin).

To test and further develop Newman and collaborators’ 2004 theory of the five necessary conditions for school shootings to occur, this chapter investigates 14 school shootings in seven countries. Using case-based comparison with pattern matching, the study draws primarily upon texts, pictures, films and other material created by the perpetrators themselves. The theory is found to be generally valid even in contexts where socio-cultural conditions and shooters’ modus operandi differ notably from those in its original focus. Many of its key elements nevertheless call for further elaboration, such as the role played by social marginalization and  cultural scripts, and the relation between the use of cultural scripts and other types of rationalizations requires clarification.
Case-based comparison, necessary conditions, online narratives, school shootings

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